What's New
This Year
It has been a very exciting year at Niños Del Sol Eco School. With only about a month and a half of school left we still have plenty of fun activities ahead.
November is career month. We have invited professionals from the community to present and share an activity with the students.
Here is a list of the professionals who have confirmed so far. (we are saving a surprise guest for November 30th).
Devon Hall, Dj
Dawn Batiz, Chiropractor
Lucas Rivera, Architect
Teagan Patell, Reiki Therapist and Yoga Instructor
Maricruz Miranda, Interior designer and Architect
Still to confirm is a veterinarian, and a software developer.
The first week of December will be filled with excursions. The school is scheduled to visit Diamante. In addition, the teachers are busy planning trips that connect to the curriculum themes covered this year.
The students have been working hard in their performing arts class. They are getting ready for the Christmas party scheduled for December 13th. Students will be presenting their work and performing. The exact location and time will be posted soon, stay tuned for more details.
What's New
We are pleased to announce that our MEP application has been submitted! That means that next year we will be MEP certified. Unfortunately, because ofthe general strike (huelga) in Costa Rica, we are unable to announce exactly when we'll be fully recognized by the Minesterio de Educacion Publico.
In order to fulfill the curriculum hours requested by MEP we are lengthening the school day for elementary students. This will mean more Spanish classes but also some new technology classes like LEGO robotics which will move from being an elective after-school club to a school program.