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Word Robotic Olympiad

In August 2018 Niños Del Sol Eco School competed in the Open Class at the national LEGO Robotics competition in Costa Rica.


The Open Category is a project based competition. Students create their own intelligent robotics solution relating to the current theme of the season. Teams will present their project and their robot model to a group of judges.

The Niños Del Sol team placed 3rd with their robot and project called Robo Sloth. Our robotic sloth can determine when a fruit is ripe, harvest the fruit and communicate with a land vehicle to pick up and deliver it's harvest.

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Grades of Green

In 2018 Niños Del Sol Eco School participated in the Global Water Challenge by Grades of Green, a program designed to inspire students to take action to conserve water at school and in their communities.

The program is a global competition in which 136 student leaders at 40 schools from across the world design new ways to lead water conservation and water quality efforts in 33 cities and eight countries. Niños Del Sol was a finalist and received the "Best Idea" award for their Garden Grey Water Filter made from recycled materials found at school.

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